Dentures & Implants: Restoring Your Smile Post Tooth Extraction

Mar 04, 2024

Tooth extraction, while often necessary, can leave many individuals feeling uneasy and concerned about the impact it may have on their appearance, speech, chewing ability, and overall dental health. In such cases, it is crucial to have a plan in place to restore lost teeth as soon as possible, and at Best Value Dentures & Implants Riverview, our dental professionals are here to help guide you through every step of your post-extraction dental restoration journey.

In this comprehensive blog post, we will explore tooth replacement options available after extraction, focusing primarily on dentures and dental implants as popular and effective solutions. We will delve into the benefits and considerations of both dentures and dental implants, along with the procedures involved in their placement. Furthermore, we will address the role of our dental experts at Best Value Dentures & Implants Riverview, in ensuring a smooth, comfortable, and effective restoration experience tailored to your individual needs and preferences.

Understanding your dental restoration options post tooth extraction empowers you to make informed decisions that contribute to the preservation of your oral health, functional ability, and overall well-being. By utilizing the expertise and support of our dedicated dental professionals at Best Value Dentures & Implants Riverview, you can successfully navigate dental restoration options and, ultimately, achieve a radiant, confident smile.

Dentures: A Traditional Option for Tooth Replacement

Dentures have been a trusted tooth replacement solution for centuries, offering aesthetic and functional benefits to those who have lost multiple teeth or an entire set of teeth. Today's advancements in dental materials technology have made modern dentures more comfortable, natural-looking, and secure than ever before.

There are two main types of dentures available:

1. Complete dentures: Complete dentures replace a full set of teeth and can be custom-fit for the upper or lower arch. After tooth extraction, the patient may receive an immediate denture to wear during the healing process or, alternatively, a conventional denture that is fabricated and inserted after the gums have fully healed.

2. Partial dentures: Partial dentures are suitable for patients missing several but not all teeth in a dental arch. These dentures include artificial teeth designed to fill the gaps left by missing teeth and are typically secured using clasps or precision attachments that connect to neighboring natural teeth.

Dental Implants: A Modern Approach to Tooth Restoration

Dental implants provide a more advanced and permanent tooth replacement option. Implants resemble natural teeth in both appearance and function, offering a superior level of comfort and durability than other restorative solutions. Dental implants consist of a titanium post surgically implanted into the jawbone, an abutment that connects the post to a custom-made prosthetic tooth, and the prosthetic tooth itself.

Dental implants can effectively replace single or multiple teeth and are often employed to secure dentures in more advanced treatment plans, such as implant-supported dentures or full arch restoration with an implant-supported dental bridge.

Comparing Dentures and Dental Implants

When deciding between dentures and dental implants, it is essential to consider several factors:

1. Aesthetics: Both dentures and dental implants can offer natural-looking, aesthetically pleasing results. However, dental implants do provide a more seamless appearance, closely resembling natural teeth, especially when replacing single or multiple non-adjacent teeth.

2. Function: Dental implants allow for stronger biting and chewing force than traditional dentures. Implants integrate with the jawbone, ensuring a solid foundation for the prosthetic tooth, while dentures may require periodic adjustments due to changes in gum tissue and jawbone structure.

3. Oral health benefits: Implants offer some unique benefits for long-term oral health. The titanium post stimulates the jawbone, helping to retain its structure and prevent resorption, which can occur with tooth loss. Dentures, conversely, may cause jawbone or gum irritation due to friction or uneven pressure applied during chewing.

4. Cost and time commitment: Dental implants tend to be a more expensive option upfront, but they often require less maintenance and can last a lifetime with proper care. The dental implant process can take several months, while dentures can usually be fabricated and fitted more quickly.

Post-Extraction Dental Restoration at Best Value Dentures & Implants Riverview

Our dental experts at Best Value Dentures & Implants Riverview play an integral role in guiding patients through the process of post-extraction dental restoration. Our compassionate, knowledgeable team provides:

1. Individualized treatment planning: Our dental professionals assess each patient's unique goals, preferences, oral health, and budget to develop a customized restoration plan that effectively meets their needs for appearance, function, and comfort.

2. Expert consultation: We offer comprehensive consultations to help patients understand their options and make informed decisions about dentures, dental implants, or other appropriate treatments.

3. Superior dental care: Our Best Value Dentures and Implants team members are skilled and experienced in performing safe, successful extractions and providing top-quality dental prosthetics made of high-grade, biocompatible materials.

4. Ongoing support: Ensuring patient satisfaction and optimal oral health is our priority. We provide ongoing care and support, including maintenance and adjustments for dentures, as well as follow-up care for dental implant patients.


Navigating dental restoration options following tooth extraction can be an emotional and complex process. By partnering with the skilled and reputable team at Best Value Dentures & Implants Riverview, you can be confident in your journey towards a restored, healthy, and confident smile. We are dedicated to providing expert guidance, high-quality care, and customized solutions tailored to restore your smile following tooth extraction seamlessly.

Don't let tooth extraction hold you back from enjoying the benefits of a complete and functional smile. Contact Best Value Dentures & Implants Riverview today to schedule a consultation and discuss how
dentures or dental implants can help revitalize your smile, delivering lifelong dental health and happiness.

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